Playing Catch-Up
Embarrassingly enough I broke my promise to write every day literally the day after my last post. So now that it’s Friday, I can refocus my efforts and catch up on the lack of posting. I had been so busy throughout the daytime this week that when I finally got the time to sit down each night I would think about what I wanted to write about for so long that I would fall asleep. Next thing I knew the sun would be rising. Whoopsies. Funny enough this is also the third time I’ve re-written this post. I think I need to think a little less when it comes to blogging.
This week was the first time during this quarantine where I really felt desperate for social interaction. So much so that I started to have vivid dreams about partying with my friends that felt so unbelievably real - almost like the opposite of a night terror. One dream in particular I was at Berghain having the time of my life, then to my dismay my alarm blared in my ear and I woke up to my dog snoring at the foot of my bed. While partying has taken a bit of a back seat in my life over the last year, I plan to get some partying out of my system when things start to kind of return to normal. Being realistic, things won’t ever return back to the way they were before…I’ll develop my thoughts on that a little more before discussing it further in a future post.
At this point I’ve lost sense of time and I’m getting my days mixed up. I’m sure everyone else is experiencing something similar. Now would be good time to figure out a way to break up the monotony of the week through some goal setting and maybe a reward system? I’ll let you all know what I figure out as I’ve been in a bit of a mental rut this past week.
Gonna cut this post short since it’s Friday and I’m currently rudely ignoring my friends on Zoom.